Chicago Map Challenge


  • Vertical mobile layout

  • Live scorekeeping

    • Viewable on each page, scoring actively adjusts for correct responses, providing instant feedback.

  • Easy and hard modes allow learners to customize their experience.

    • Easy mode provides instant hints while dragging each response.


  • App-like navigation & layout

  • Cohesive design based on the Chicago Cubs baseball team colors.

  • Minimal but sufficient context on each page for what actions to take

    • Large buttons

    • Highly readable

    • Map is provided for each quiz page


Chicagoans, including long-time residents and more recent transplants.


I recently moved to Chicago and am historically terrible with directions! I wanted to learn the 77 Community Areas in a fun and interactive way. Unable to find a pre-built learning solution, I built one myself. It’s been fun sharing it with fellow Chicagoans.


  • Articulate Storyline

  • Adobe Illustrator

My Responsibilities

Here’s what I did to create a gamefully designed learning experience:

  • Storyboard, style guide, and design document creation

  • Full development in Storyline

    • This included complex triggers, variables, and course navigational planning.

  • Collecting stakeholder feedback throughout

    • Five volunteers allowed me to observe them interacting with the learning experience in person. This was extremely insightful so that I could redesign some of the page layouts and trigger speeds.

  • Content revisions and final publishing

[Design Influence] Actionable Gamification

Yu-Kai Chou’s popular book, Actionable Gamification, guided my efforts in delivering an engaging app-like learning experience.


Give the learners a reason to play.

Only “Certified Chicagoans” are able to score high enough!


Offer a quick win-state.

The instructions are intentionally brief so learners can start scoring points within a few minutes of starting.


Allow learners to choose their path.